Meet the Litter Sisters
At 18 months old, Poppy, Fidgel, and Bean are lively working cocker spaniels beginning their training to become gundogs. These sisters come in distinct colors: Poppy is black and white, Fidgel is brown and white, and Bean is predominantly white. Each of them possesses unique traits that stand out during their early training stages, making this period particularly exciting for both the dogs and their owner.

Training to Become Gundogs
Training working cockers for gundog activities involves a mix of obedience and specialized skills. At their age, Poppy, Fidgel, and Bean are in a critical period of learning and development. Their training regimen is designed to harness their energy, improve their retrieval skills, and enhance their ability to follow commands. These essential gundog skills will help them perform efficiently in the field.

The Role of Their Mom
Guiding these young pups is their 8-year-old mother, who has significant experience as a gundog herself. She plays a crucial role in their upbringing, showing them the ropes and setting a high standard for behavior and discipline. Her presence not only keeps the young ones in line but also provides them with an excellent role model during their training sessions.
The journey ahead for Poppy, Fidgel, and Bean is promising. As they continue their training, they benefit immensely from the guidance and experience of their mother and the dedication of their owner. We look forward to seeing them evolve into proficient gundogs, ready to take on the challenges of the field.