Dog Breeds

Albie and Tobie: A Playful Introduction

Albie and Tobie: A Playful Introduction It was an exciting day at Little Paddocks Dog Field when Albie, the one-year-old Cavapoo, and Tobie, the 21-week-old Cockapoo, met for the first time. The two adorable pups wasted no time in becoming fast friends and engaging in some lively games of chase and tag. Albie, with his […]

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The Setters: A Trio of Talent

The Three Setters On the field, three setters gathered, each with their unique qualities. Portia, a 4-year-old Gordon Setter, brought her experience as a show dog and training field dog. Tofu, a 2-year-old Irish Red Setter, also possessed the same attributes. Lastly, Vesper, another 2-year-old Gordon Setter, joined the group. Tofu’s Busy Schedule After her

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